My Story

As a physiotherapist I treat people that got stuck for many years already. Further educations like manual therapy and a lot of courses, gave me a wide range of techniques to help people back on track.
For a long time, my focus was almost only on the technical and mechanical part of my profession. How many education I had and how many courses I followed, still there was a part of my patients that I couldn’t really help. Something was missing. When a knee injury ended my sporting career and I also was looking for more in life on a personal level, the time had come to look deeper into things. More and more I got interested in personal development and therapies that regular medicine call alternative because they approach physical problems in a different manner.
A lot of my interest went towards methods that look more at the levels where the problem starts instead of the outing of the symptom. Our western, in which I as well am educated, is very good at treating acute problems and symptom reduction, but is less equipped for chronic problems. For fractures and infections definitely visit the hospital, if you have a chronic disease or dysbalance though and want to go beyond symptom relieve and operations, then the offer in treatments is not very wide. The eastern medicine focusses more on the cause instead of the effects and looks more at the totality of the problem and lifestyle to restore the balance. This approach, where also the core of the human being is addressed, attracted me strongly.
Theory and practice
Through the years I learned a lot from skilled masters and the countless inspiring people that I met. I encountered them in physiotherapy, during my many travels, at my volunteer jobs in projects abroad in multiple continents and in the hospice in Amsterdam where I worked many years with dying people, or in daily life. Many of them helped me to broaden my horizon.

My search to development brought me to study subjects like meditation, N.L.P., holistic pulsing, traditional Chinese medicine and treatment techniques that work with energy like Reiki (where I achieved the master grade) and Quantum Touch. I especially deepened my knowledge and experience of meditation. First within Buddhism (the picture here is made in Bodhgaya under the Bodhi tree under which Buddha seemed to have gained enlightenment) and later also outside of that.
After thousands of hours on the meditation pillow and many courses and study, I started a company in meditation training for individuals and companies. In the same year I wrote and published a book about meditation.
Meditation laid the foundation of where I am and what I do now. The real breakthrough was yet to come.
The acceleration

From 2012 onwards, things really speeded up for me. My awareness and self knowledge mainly increased a lot through the courses, workshops and retreats of my very dear friend Eva Divya. She was and still is my most important teacher in life and learned me a lot of what I am passing on to others through my coachings and I am immensely greatful to her for that. As well as I am greatful for all the other teachers I have encountered in my life so far.
With all the personal development that I have gone through with them, a lot of things changed about how I approach life and work with people. More than ever I went to the deeper levels inside myself and experienced how working with your energy balance by physical treatment, coaching and meditation can lead to life changing results. Since I am more aware of energy and learned to work with it directly, a new world opened up for me. It’s the addition I was looking for to what I already learned as a physio-manual therapist. This plus makes me capable of helping people in more ways than before and often in a more direct and effective way because it goes faster to the core of the problem.
Of course I still learn every day and still can’t solve every problem or chronic complaint and I didn’t become a magical healer. By looking in a different manner to where people get stuck – mentally, physically or in their lives – I often have more to offer than a regular therapist. As a result of that I was able to solve problems or blockages that were there for a long time and lead to multiple different problems. On the page with the testimonials you can read more about it.

The lessons I’ve learned from the people I encountered, everything I got from the courses and educations and the beautiful results I was able to achieve with the people that ‘coincidently’ crossed my path the last few years, led to the start of BEAM coaching. Because my path that led to becoming a coach is differs from most coaches, my approach is unique and is different from almost all the other coaches that our country is rich of.
After years of working with meditation, coaching and healing methods, I decided to really jump into the deep in 2017 and started BEAM coaching as a business.
Want to know more about me and my path?
In August 2018 I was a guesst at the Ferdinand Lie Show!
Click on the picture to listen to the episode. Do you prefer the video? You can find it here:
Boost your life!
What kind of boost working with your energy can lead to, is something I experienced first-hand. In my own life and also in the work I did with others and time after time again. Regaining direction and control over what really drives you, is life changing. Also that you can find in the enthusiast reviews of the people that worked with me.
I also wish for you that your quality of life increases exponentially and if that is something you would like to work on with me, let me know!