Course Get into your energy
How wonderful that you arrived at this page and to get the chance to tell you about my course! A course I am super exited about, because it is where all of my passions come together and I can store all the valuable things I learned from my educations and courses, travels, work as a therapist and coach, meditation and energywork. All this (and more) created this course; get into your energy! Can’t wait to find out more about the content? Scroll down for videos!
Everybody experiences energy. Aware or unaware, if you want to or not and if you are sensitive to it or not. Energy is very concrete. Gravity is the earths energy (and hard to deny that this exists I think), you can perceive the atmosphere in a room or place or the ‘vibe’ someone gives you and often even before that person did or sais anything and you can feel the energy in your body when you are angry, stressed or after you did a workout.
Everybody has the capacity to pick up energy, be aware of its subtle language and ability to work with it. Your awareness of and ability to work with energy, differs strongly per person. Everybody can learn it though. It is just like sports. Not everybody is born with the ability of Messi or Federer, everybody can get better in football or tennis though by getting into it. This course is about how energy works and how to work with it. Whatever your starting level is, it will help you to grow in your energy awareness and make you able to let energy work for you more instead of just being at mercy of it.
Your life-energy is essential in your life and according to a lot of scientists energy is even the essence of what your body and all matter consists of. Your energy level determines if you are capable of doing what you like to do in life and how you feel. To be able to move towards and in the things that make you happy and what is your passion, is an important condition for happiness. Energy plays a central role in the functioning of your body as well as your mind.

How often do people feel overstimulated or drained these days? Or are they low in energy? Regardless of how much sports they do or how fit they are physically? Also a lot of people experience that they pick up a lot of input and stimuli that doesn’t reach them through their ‘regular’ five senses. That is energy as well and nowadays that becomes more and more scientifically measurable and explainable. As long as you are not aware of what it is though, that it is there and that you can work with it, it will unconsciously influence your mental state, balance and peace of mind.
The good news is that you don’t have to surrender yourself to that and you are not limited to the current energy level that you experience. It is possible to influence and raise it! Normally in our society, people are not taught how ‘energy management’ works. Although everybody has to deal and work with it every day again. Just think about gravity and sensing the vibe somewhere or of someone.
For most people that isn’t a problem, although they miss out on a big part of the spectrum in which they live. If you are more sensitive than average though, it can easily lead to being drained by people or circumstances, without being aware that this happens or being able to prevent it.
About how concrete and important energy is, watch this short video (3 minutes) of Anthony Robbins, one of the biggest speakers of this time and age, in which he explains how important energy is for success in all aspects of life and energy management should be on top of your list.
How you measure your energy level, how you raise it and how to deal with people with a lower energy level, you will learn in this course. Ben jij ook nieuwsgierig naar hoe de wereld van energie en energiemanagement werkt? Are you curious about how the world of energy and energy management works?
Then this course is for you!
What will you learn?
This course will give you a wider view on the world and what happens in it and how big the role of energy is in how you perceive the world and the interaction with it influences you. Theoretical and pratical because we also dive into how to work with energy within yourself and in the world around you.

- What is energy exactly?
(and how it’s a lot more than what companies as Vattenfall or Essent can tell you about it) - How does it determine your mental state and life?
(and that you often block the energy that life offers you) - How do you make concrete and graspable what you already unconsciously experience (and often cannot exactly know what it is)
- How can you experience energy and work with it?
(do you recognise it nearly everywhere and learn what e.g. reiki is) - How do flow and the law of attraction work?
(and can you by working with energy positively influence your life) - How do you recover from being low in energy?
(where the charging point is in your environement and yourself) - How do you raise your energy level?
(how do you find the source inside yourself) - How do you prevent being drained by your surroundings?
(what do and don’t you share of yourself in your energy) - How do you handle negative energy?
(and do you protect yourself against it) - How can you balance your energy and clean it in yourself and your house? (and other tips, tricks and tools)
- and much much more!
All that I will learn you I have learned, tested and experienced myself, and will be backed up by scientific reserach where possible and defenitely by what nature shows us and we can experience in our own lives.
More info about the course, the trainer, the content of the lessons and a sneak preview….
Here you will find three intro videos about my course.
Do you want to know more about the course itself and the trainer? You can find that here:
Are you interested to learn more about the content of the lessons? Here is where you can learn more about that:
Curious about the practical part of the course? You can find a preview right here:
When, where, how and how much
Currently the course is being given to an enthusiastic group and in April 2024 I will start with a new group on this journey of 9 lessons.
A journey that will be life changing and gives you a new option in how you perceive life and move through it. The lessons will be in Amsterdam Zuid and around three hours long. They will fly by and you will leave energised. You can also attend the lessons through Zoom if you want.
If there is a lesson you really can’t be present, there will be an online version of it afterwards so you won’t miss any of the content. If you are unable to be physically present but can join from home (or wherever) or if you prefer that, you can join every lesson online as well.
Every lesson there will be a new topic regarding energy and you will experience that it all comes together to one big thing. The course will be in a small group of like-minded people and everybody that ever worked with me knows that a safe environment and setting is something I put a lot of attention to.
If you like to read more about how I see and explain energy, you can find it at this page. In this course you will receive next to information and explanations, also experience the practical part of it! In this way you can experience yourself how you can sense energy and work with it. You will also experience that every lesson is a recharging moment itself, which helps you to raise your own energy level.
The investment for this course with the live lessons is 495 euro. Are you a student? Then you receive a 20% discount. If you prefer doing it at home, than the online program, where you get the video’s of the lessons and the same content, is the way to go for you. The price for that is 395 euro (access to the program is 6 months). If you compare it to a few days of holiday it is a bargain for this ticket for a journey towards yourself :-). And instead of travelling somewhere else to find it, you will experience the holiday feeling of coming back into your own stability right here in Amsterdam.
Do you want to be part of this journey? Let me know!
Send me an email at!