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Audio for relaxation and connecting

Tailbone problems often have more than just a mechanical component. Next to a more psycho-emotional and energetic perspective (see the page about tailbone problems), there is simply always an increased muscle tension in an area of pain, what they often call with a beautiful French term a defense musculaire. For the tailbone this affects the buttock and mainly pelvic floor musculature. If there is a lot of or persistent muscle tension in the area, it strains the tailbone and can lead to problems and prevent the healing process to do it’s work.

My treatment approach is holistic and in that there is room and attention for this component of tailbone pain. Also my background as a meditation trainer and certified breath coach (more about that on my website roelwilbers.nl) helps me to support people with tailbone problems a bit extra. For that I also recorded an exercise that aims for more relaxation of specifically the tailbone region, as well as checking in with the painful the area. Avoidance of a spot or area that feels painful or uncomfortable is a very normal process, but can often interfere with recovery and healing.

I made the exercise as accessible as possible. If you like to add energy, warmth, light, healing, reiki or whatever works for you to the breathing and touch, please do so of course.

This exercise is also very suitable during pregancy. In the last part you can do the childspose with the knees and feet wide apart straight away or replace it by sitting in a chair with the legs apart and bending forward in this pose.

The audio of this exercise I want to share with everybody that might benefit from it and is open and freely accessible below. I hope it also benefits you.

Tailbone connection and relaxation exercise
