Making an appointment
You are of course more than welcome for an appointment with me to take a look at your tailbone problems.
Although I treat a lot of people with tailbone problems, I am of course not the only therapist that treats tailbone pain. If you are looking for a colleague in your area, please continue reading and I will expain you how to find one that had the same basis training that I received. Our basic training is the same, the experience in treatting the tailbone and how holistic the approach is, can be different.

I work in Amsterdam Zuid at Fysiotherapie Van Breestraat, just south of the Vondelpark. Our practice is part of the health center Dufayhuis, which is based in the former school building at the square. The address is Dufaystraat 19.
In the menu you can access the page Tarieven en Vergoedingen (under Informatie) where you can find all info about what insurance companies we signed a contract with and if your treatments are being covered or not. In any case you need to have an extra package (‘aanvullende verzekering’) for coverage by health insurance, otherwise you are privately billed.
If you have any questions or you like to make an appointment with me, feel free to send me and email at or use the contact field below.
Looking for a colleague closer to your home?
I receive messages from all over the country and even abroad from people that are seeking for help with their tailbone problems. Of course, not everybody is able to travel to Amsterdam though.
There are two courses in the Netherlands that teach the external technique for the tailbone: Rost Therapy (method Meine Veldman) and Profundum (the NIMOC treatment) and both are based on the work of Meine Veldman that started with this form of therapy. I attended both courses and you can find a colleague that finished their training aswell through the websites of the traininginstitutes. The links you can find below.
Although I have a broader approach to these problems than most of my specialised colleagues and not every therapist that completed the training also has a lot of experience in this treatment, the techniques I learned in these courses are still the basis of my treatments.
Please note: Make sure to check if the therapist in the list of Rost Therapy attended the course Coccygodynie.
Online consultation

After many requests I started offering online consultations. Of course I can’t do actual treatments online, I can make an analysis of the problem together with you and give you a more direct advice about the treatment options and what to look for.
This online consultation is also a great way to do an intake and get an idea of my treatment and if it is worth while visiting me. An e-consultation is also covered by the insurance company (if you have coverage of course).