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Treatment of the tailbone

Tailbone problems are often easy to treat and there are multiple ways to approach, understand and treat them.

You will find more about the different approaches, treatment methods and treatment results on this page.

The treatment options

Until not too long ago, the most applied treatment method for persistent problems was restricted to surgery where the tailbone was removed, or internal correction with access (through inside the anus) performed by an osteopath or specialised therapist. Nowadays people are often sent to the hospital or clinic for an injection with pain- and inflammation reducing medication, that is of course mainly aimed at reducing the symptoms or disturbed pain cycle and has no effect on the mobility. In around half of the cases this unfortunately doesn’t lead to a solution or permanent reduction of the problems.

The good news is that there are nowadays also techniques available to influence the mobility and position of the tailbone, which are a lot less less invasive. These techniques often reduce symptoms quickly, even when they have been present for a long period of time.

The technique I often use myself, is developed by Meine Veldman and I learned this at a course with Cecile Rost. This technique is still the base of my treatments, although my approach became a lot broader the last few years, on which I will elaborate more down here.

The technique is often desribed as a correction technique, a term which I am personally not a big fan of because it makes the problem sound more severe than it often actually is. It is hardly ever the case that the tailbone is dislocated and that strong mechanical input is needed to get it back in it’s place. The tailbone often is deviated though and in a position that the body itself can’t manage to correct. In most cases, only a mild input is needed to free the tailbone up again so it can find its way back to the original position. In this video from my previous workplace, I demonstrate the technique and explain a bit more about tailbone problems. Even though this video is in Dutch, it will give you a visual understanding of what the external technique is about.

Next to the specialised training I received in treating the tailbone, I am as a manual therapist also able to effectively treat the surrounding areas that might be influenced by the problems around the tailbone or might even be the cause of it.

A holistic approach

Through the years I have been working as a physiotherapist, I started to approach problems more and more holistically. If you are interested in reading more about that, I can refer you to this page about me as a physiotherapist.

As a therapist I mainly aim for the natural wisdom of the body and the almost unlimited healing abilities of our system. In my view it is never the doctor or therapist that heals someone, but the body itself that does this. We in healthcare mainly create the conditions for that to happen so the self healing abilities of the system can do their work. We help it beyond where it got stuck and as soon as the factors that maintain the problem or restrict recovery are gone, nature does the rest.

Also tailbone pain I approach from a broader perspective than what I learned in my training as a physiotherapist. Of course I look mechanically at the mobility and position of the tailbone and this is in most cases the primary treatment. Next to that there is always room for the psycho-emotional and energetic aspect around the problems. With every treatment and interpersonal interaction, inevitably also the psycho-emotional and spiritual/energetic layers are touched and even if a non-mechanical factor contributes most to the problems, local mechanical treatment of the tailbone can contribute to having more freedom in the entire system.

Tailbone problems seen from a broader perspective

Seen from the more Eastern philosophy and medicine, the body has reflex points that are linked to the tailbone and from where the problems can be influenced. Here you can see examples of these points in the foot, ear and hand.

If any of these spots is more sensitive when you apply pressure, it might be worth trying to massage them every now and see if the sensitivity reduces and it changes anything in your problems.

Also the tailbone is situated, coincidentally or not, exactly at the level of the first chakra. This root chakra is related to safety, feeling at home, allowing yourself to be worthy, grounding and connecting with ‘earthly’ matters. If you recognise that these things are a challenge for you, this might have a relationship with the origin and/or inability to recover from your tailbone problems.

The psycho-emotional link to problems

To get a better understanding of physical problems I love to take a peek into the book ‘De Sleutel tot Zelf-Bevrijding’ (translated as ‘The key to Self-Liberation) by Christiane Beerlandt. This ‘bible’ of psycho-emotional explanations for physical problems, often provides clarity or insights about the origin of problems.

When it comes to tailbone problems, Beerlandt writes that they symbolise the lack of a secure basis within yourself, being separated from your intuition and strongly being focused on values coming from outside yourself (like from culture, society or religion). Which has a strong overlap with what Eastern wisdom connects to the first chakra. Also the author connects tailbone problems to being insufficiently rooted and living too much ‘in the head’. A fall on the tailbone is often a sign that you got stuck in the vicious circle related to that and that it is a wake up sign given to you by life. To rebalance yourself, it is important to stop moving away from your own inner self, and ‘shine your own light and sun’ again so things can start flowing again inside yourself. To be faithful to yourself, taking authority for yourself again and becoming true to yourself instead of to the external expectations or standards for achievement and success. So it is all about the process of moving towards your intuition and inner unity. I often hear from my patients that after a mechanical treatment of the tailbone, it also flows better and freer in the entire system.

What eventually causes the change in the therapy is hard to unravel, and in the end is not important. Of course I leave it to every individual themself how he or she wants to approach their tailbone problems. The choice for the treatment approach is always determined by the patient, but please know that in my treatments there is always room for talking about or exploring every desired approach.

The treatment results

I can imagine you are mainly curious about the treatment results and what to expect. Because there is not a lot of knowledge about the therapy yet and since I work from a broader perspective, I started to keep statistics of my own treatments and results. I have been working with tailbone problems since 2018, but the data shown here, shows the results of the treatments since around mid 2021.

During this period, I started 207 trajectories with people that suffered from tailbone pain. Of these now 170 of them have finished and the rest are still ongoing. Of the 170 trajectories, 52 didn’t finish it because of various reasons (e.g distance to where I work, being too busy caring for someone in need of their jobs, moving house, different health issues, not (any more) having any coverage for the treatment costs by the health insurance or being unable to pay for the treatments, or unknown reasons). The ones of these 52 that visited me more than once, reported in 58% of the cases though that they had a reduction of their problems of 50% or more.

The great majority of the people that consulted me for their tailbone problems, did that because it was the only or primary reason. Only eight people stated that the tailbone pain was part of a bigger and not only tailbone related, or that it was a secondary problem. I already discusses the most common onset of the problems that people came in with, on the page about tailbone pain.

Then the results of my holistic approach. After the therapy sessions 80% of the people were completely problem free. In only eight cases that finished the trajectory, the therapy had no effect at all. And this considering that I don’t just see the ‘easy cases’ because more and more people visit me with complex and chronic problems that often had consultation elsewhere already or are referred to me by the clinics.

Apart from the eight people I was unable to help, almost everyone that completed the trajectory stated they had a reduction of their problems of at least 50%. The people that finished the treatment trajectory and still had some problems left, mostly knew what was the reason for that and what they could do with it themselves.

For the 80% that was completely problem free after therapy, it often took only a few treatments. The duration of the problem before treatment was not related to that. Even people that had experienced problems for over ten years, were completely problems free within a few sessions.

Almost one out of four people that ended up problem free, cancelled the second session because their problem was gone (which because of intake and examination, means there had been only ten minutes of treatment time).

Around 60% of the people that ended up problem free, didn’t need more than three sessions and in just one case, more than 11 treatments were necessary.

When the problems were caused by a mechanical onset only, the trajectories were often very short. In cases where there were more underlying factors like stress, difficulty to be in the body or ground or with psychosomatic problems, often lasted a bit longer.

Often all it took was the tailbone mobilisation. In many cases I also worked at the lower back, pelvis or with more relaxation through a psycho-emotional or more energetic approach.

Of all the people that left the therapy problem free, only seven of them returned over time because the problems had come back. They were mostly a lot less intense than the first time I saw them though and often resolved again in only one treatment.

To get an idea how the patients experienced my treatments, see the reviews below. They are all taken from Zorgkaart Nederland, an independent platform and where you can find them as well.


from Zorgkaart Nederland 5/5/2021

The therapists I was looking for for a long time! Not only he helped me surprisingly quick to get rid of my long lasting tailbone pain, he also gave me a broader perspective about how they occurred and why they didn’t go away. He goes beyond the just western approach and that’s what gave me a lot of insight. Thank you Roel!


from Zorgkaart Nederland 08/04/2024

Very satisfied with Roel. After 1 treatment already freed from my tailbone problem. I should have done this way sooner. I really recommend it!

from Zorgkaart Nederland 30/11/2022

For years I was unable to sit normally due to tailbone problems. After asking my doctor for help a few times, I thought there was nothing left then accepting my “prominating” tailbone or to undergo a scary operation. Until I was referred to Roel. A problem he immediately understood, included me well in what he saw and how he would solve it with a small movements, free of pain. After 15 minutes it was already done, freed of my pain by one simple and fully painfree treatment. A breath of fresh air!

from Zorgkaart Nederland 01/08/2023

Had tailbone problems for over 3 years. After a long search eventually found this fantastic phtysiotherapist. After 1 treatment there was a huge difference and my daily activities were free of pain. I doubted to have a second session because I was able to do so much more already and after consulting with him, am happy I took that one. I am completely painfree, also after long distances of walking/biking or a lot of heavy lifting.  Roel wilbers is easy to get in touch woth and is able to help you quickly. Also the explanations about what he is going to do, what he noticed and what he did and that he likes to hear from you what you experienced, bring a nice flow to his treatments. My talbone was after two sessions completely aligned again!

from Zorgkaart Nederland 2/4/2020

I went to Roel with tailbone problems and pain. After the first treatment the problems already reduced significantly and the pain was gone. After the second treatment the problems were completely gone. Roel is one of the few therapists that is able to correct the tailbone from externally. Next to his quick and effective treatment, he is a nice and friendly therapist.

from Zorgkaart Nederland 21/12/2018

Roel treated the problems in my tailbone very well and is next to a very good physio, also a very nice person!

from Zorgkaart Nederland 28/3/2022

After more than a year of pain in my tailbone after mainly long sitting, I visited Roel 4 months ago. Already after 1 treatment I was able to sit again and my problems disappeared for 70%! After a few (painfree) treatments with a pleasant and clear communication I am painfree now. I am very satisfied and super happy!

from Zorgkaart Nederland 29/09/2023

Very good treatment. Quick and effectivly my tailbone problem was gone that I had for a long time. Very pleasant guidance by Roel.

from Zorgkaart Nederland 9/2/2022

For years I had problems in my lower back and tailbone and I visited multiple physiotherapists and chiropractors for it. Roel made the right diagnose at the first appointment and after already 3 sessions the problems were gone. This was beyond all expectations. I thought I had to accept my pain but it turned out to be easily solvable. State of the art and treatments in a pleasant atmosphere.

from Zorgkaart Nederland 29/7/2019

I ended up with Roel for my (spontaneous) tailbone pain because he specializes in this. I was very satisfied with the treatment and Roel listens very well to what you say and also to what the body communicates in the pain. The tailbone pain reduced significantly after each session. He is next to a professional and knowledgeable physiotherapist, someone that thinks with you, is empathetic and nice to communicate with; wherefore I can really recommend him.

from Zorgkaart Nederland 01/12/2022

For years I wasn’t able to sit normally due to tailbone pain. After seeking help several times of my GP, I thought there was nothing left then accepting my “deviated” tailbone of to undergo a scary operation. Until I was referred to Roel. A problem he understood straight away, explained to me what he saw and it simply solved it in a completely painfree way and a minor movement. After 15 minutes I was outside again, freed of my pain by one simple and totally pain free session. A relief!

from Zorgkaart Nederland 7/5/2021

Treatment of tailbone pain. I got the tip to consult Roel for this and that’s something I am grateful for. Very professional and adequate treatment. After first a few questions about how the pain started, he figured out quickly what was wrong. And also how to directly fix it. I was impressed and felt immediate relief. The pain quickly decreased and after two days it was back to normal. Top! Kind regards, Tim

from Zorgkaart Nederland 24/3/2021

Very good and knowledgeable therapist. He treated me for tailbone pain and sensed the problem and all around it very well. He listens carefully and looks beyond the just mechanical and treats it effective and adequate. Within three sessions I was problem free. I am very satisfied with Roel and can recommend him to everybody.

from Zorgkaart Nederland 6/11/2021

After I fell at the iceskating track, I walked around with persistent tailbone pain for around 9 months. Through referral I ended up at Roel Wilbers. Where my GP told me there was nothing to do about tailbone pain, Roel helped me a lot within a few sessions. Already after the first treatment I had a significantly less pain at the tailbone. Also he is an extremely nice and friendly person. Tailbone pain? Don’t keep walking around with it, there are ways to treat it!

Don't keep suffering from tailbone problems!

The treatment options and results for tailbone problems are good! More than 75% of the people that visit me, become pain and problem free. Mostly after only a few sessions and with a lasting result. Only a few people so far had no benefit what so ever from the treatments.

Unfortunately this form of therapy is not well known (yet) among doctors and colleague therapists, so people often stay stuck with their problems for a long time.

Are you one of these people? Then please feel welcome to have your problems checked, with me or my specialised colleagues.

You can find all about it at the Appointment page.
